
When Is The Right Time For You To Start English Lessons?

Have you always wanted to enrol in an English course at a Singapore training centre near you, but for you just haven’t done it yet?

Taking English lessons aren’t just for young learners and school students, anyone can enrol into an English course. Plus, you might need them more than you think.

First, you need to test your English proficiency level to know if and when you need to start English lessons. Read through the following English-speaking skills and evaluate whether they need improvement.

Expressing yourself

Have you ever tried to tell an interesting story to an English speaker, or tried to explain why someone should hire you during an interview? And no matter how hard you tried to get your message across you couldn’t quite express yourself as fluently as you would in your own language?

If you face such problems, you should start English lessons now to practice and find efficient ways to express yourself more clearly.

Lost in translation

Do you have an average English level and yet still get lost in translation? Do you also misunderstand English speakers who talk in different dialects, or don’t quite getting story plots when watching English movies?

Having this problem clearly shows that you need to practice your English listening skills. Taking short English courses in Singapore is a great idea but don’t forget to practice, practice, practice.

Working with English speakers

You know you need to take some extra English lessons when most of your colleagues or clients speak English.

It can be difficult to cooperate and communicate with your team when you’re struggling to convey new ideas and prospects due to the communication barrier.

Increase your vocabulary and applying it into your spoken English during meetings and presentations. Doing this will not only help you gain their respect, but also show that you are knowledgeable and eager to learn.

There are many English courses available in Singapore, where the main focus can be ‘business English’.  These types of English courses only teach you specific phrases and words to use in a professional environment.

Reading too slow

If you are struggling with pronunciation and fluency when reading, you should start English lessons as soon as possible. Keep in mind however that different English teachers use different techniques and methods when teaching you to read better.

Is there an age limit?

It’s not all lost when you are older but starting English lessons for kids at a very young age is a good idea.

Children are more receptive when learning new things at a young age and hence why enrolling your children in an English course can be very beneficial for their future.

Remember not to underestimate your influence on your child’s English proficiency. When your English level is above average, and you are continuously improving your own English-speaking skills, your child will follow your example.

Before starting your English course in a Singapore English training centre, make sure to communicate your needs to your English teacher. Tell them what you want the lessons to focus on such as improving your listening, writing, speaking or reading skills.

It’s never too late or too early to start English lessons, the secret in success is always to take the first step!


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