Similarities between learning English language and Korean language
We have identified some similarities between both Korean and English language. In this article, we would like to share some interesting points for your better understanding of these two languages.
Korean language and English learning involve you engage in cognate studies. You use academic vocabulary to teach these languages. A lot of examples of vocabulary are used to enhance learners understanding.
Words order
Both languages words order contains subject, object and verb. However, in the English language, the order is subject+ verb+ object whereas Korean language it is subject +object +verb. This word order needs a lot of practice to perfect. English speaker states what a subject is doing to an object. For instance, I ate the egg. {I (S) ate (v) the egg (O)}. Similarly, in Korean, you state the subject followed by the object and then what is doing to the object. For instance, I egg ate. {I (S) egg (O) ate (V)}. You leave out the subject of a sentence sometimes in English, which students often do in Korean too.
In learning both languages, you use intonation to bring out a meaning of a word.
Particles and prepositions
Both particles and prepositions have similar functions but in Korean, you use particles and English, you use prepositions.
Korean [—tense] /s/ with [+tense] /s*/ and English alveolar /s/ are similar in pronunciation and therefore you can easily shift from Korean to English and vice versa when you learn either language.