
How to Get Your Accent Out Of The Way When Speaking English

A quick search online will tell you that one of the biggest issues non-native English speakers face is their accent. When picking up the language, your native accent quickly gives it away that you are a non-native English speaker. Not only that, it might cause you distress because those around just can’t seem to figure out what you’re trying your best to articulate.

Across the many English classes in Singapore, managing a foreign accent is a huge concern that non-native speakers struggle with. Perhaps you’re also planning to take the IELTS course in Singapore for employment opportunities – then ensuring your accent does not interfere with your spoken English is of top priority.

So, how exactly do you do it? How do you manage and lighten your native accent? More importantly, is it possible for a foreigner to sound like a native English speaker?

Is it possible for you to sound like a native English speaker?

Yes, it most definitely is possible through a process known as “accent modification”. Don’t worry, this process does not remove your accent, it modifies your speech patterns to hit the different consonants and vowels in the English language.

As thorough as this process sounds, it does take an adequate amount of time, hard work and professional help. And there is no shame in seeking help when you’re picking up an entirely new language. Let qualified professionals such as trained ESL teachers, speech and language pathologists kick start your journey to speaking clearly and fluently.

Would it take more than receiving professional help?

With that being said, signing up for English classes is a great start. It would be best to be exposed to quality instruction in order to master the basics. And with native English speakers certified in CELTA and TESOL, be assured that you’ll be good hands to build your foundation.

But it does take more than formal classes for you to master the spoken language. You’d want to improve your accent to the point that you become indistinguishable from native English speakers. And this is where surrounding yourself with a group of English native speakers would easily elevate your spoken proficiency. In no time, you’ll find yourself matching their speech patterns and speaking like a native speaker.

Often, informal instruction is needed to naturally pick up the spoken language, especially if you can contextualise your ideas into real-life conversations. With so many interest groups in Singapore, pick up a new hobby like yoga and get to know your classmates too. It’s much easier for you to converse with like-minded individuals on a common topic of interest. When you regularly listen and speak English, you’re more mindful and able to manage your accent. Then, code-switching with ease becomes natural for you, in both your personal and profession life.


Don’t forget that pronunciation comprises a big part of the IELTS Speaking test. At a weightage of 25%, you have to prove that you can deliver your speech, right down to each vowel and consonant. Although you don’t need to sound exactly like a native English speaker, managing your accent is crucial.

Whether you want to master spoken English for professional work or to simply learn English in Singapore, our classes at English Explorer are here to shape you into an effective and confident English speaker. For more helpful tips, check out our online and offline English classes. We have a wide variety that is sure to fit both your budget and schedule.


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